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Meet the APERS team, which is responsible for the daily operations of the retirement system. In addition to leading a dedicated staff, the executive team provides counsel to the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees has delegated the overall administration of the agency to the Executive Director. This includes oversight for the following areas within the agency to include:

Legal Counsel, Assurance Office, Social Security Section 218, Investments and Finance, Benefits Administration, and Operations.

Benefits Administration is responsible for administering retirement, disability, and death benefits for the system’s members and survivors. The division consists of Employer Services, Member Services, and Retiree Services.

Investments and Finance is responsible for managing the trust fund and insuring prudent investments and accounting of funds for members.

Operations includes, Human Resources, Information Technology, Public Affairs, and Digital Services.

Amy Fecher

Executive Director
Executive Secretary

Amy Fecher became the Executive Director of the Arkansas Public Employees’ Retirement System (APERS) in July of 2022. 

Prior to her service at APERS, Ms. Fecher was appointed by Governor Asa Hutchinson as the first Secretary of the Department of Transformation and Shared Services in July 2019 after leading the state’s Transformation Initiative as the Chief Transformation Officer.  This historic legislation streamlined Arkansas’s 42 cabinet-level agencies and over 200 boards and commissions into 15 Departments to centralize state services, find revenue savings, and simplify services to the citizens of Arkansas.

Ms. Fecher has over twenty-five years of experience working in the public, private, and not‐for‐profit sectors. Her government experience includes time at the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, the Arkansas Department of Rural Services, and working in former Governor Mike Huckabee’s administration.

Ms. Fecher volunteers with the Miracle League of Arkansas and serves on the Information Network of Arkansas Board. 

She is a graduate of the University of Central Arkansas. Ms. Fecher and her husband, Shawn, have three boys and live in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Allison Woods

Deputy Director of Benefits Administration​

Carlos Borromeo

Deputy Director of Investments​

Ashley Golleher

Deputy Director of Operations

Senior Team

  • Jason Willett, Chief Fiscal Officer
  • Laura Gilson, General Counsel
  • Phillip Norton, Director of Information Technology
  • Jennifer Taylor, Director of Benefits Administration
  • Jacobia Bates, Director of Public Affairs
  • Patty Shipp, Assurance Officer
  • Usha Doolabh, Manager, Investments
  • Jon Aucoin, Manager, Digital Services
  • Cheryl Wilburn, Manager, Benefits Operations
  • Tammy Shadwick, Manager, Human Resources
  • Shelly George, Manager, Employer Reporting
  • Brooke Hollowoa, Manager, Communications

Disclaimer on Benefits and Rights

Disclaimer Concerning Benefit Calculations, Benefit Projections, Counseling, and Certain Conditions Regarding APERS Benefits and Rights

The purpose of this Disclaimer is to summarize, in plain language, existing APERS policy concerning benefit calculations, benefit projections, counseling, and certain conditions regarding APERS benefits and rights. This Disclaimer does not reflect any alteration or amendment of existing APERS policy. This site includes general information about APERS programs and benefits and may not represent or include completely the law and/or rules that govern APERS. Arkansas law and/or administrative rules will supersede any information in conflict.

APERS strives to provide accurate information and assistance to plan participants who have questions regarding their APERS benefits. All information and calculations concerning benefits are based upon current law and policy, even though information often concerns future benefits. Likewise, laws and policies affecting plan participants are subject to change from time to time. The Arkansas General Assembly, U. S. Congress, federal agencies, and the APERS Board of Trustees may change how benefits are calculated and change other rights of plan participants. Any benefit projection or information provided by APERS is subject to future law or policy that is applicable to APERS.

APERS staff depends upon information provided by the plan participants and offers counseling and projects future benefit estimates based upon that information. Such estimates can vary materially from actual results. Calculations concerning benefits, as well as the information APERS provides during counseling, can be materially affected if the plan participant provides inaccurate or incomplete information, or omits material facts. Plan participants are presumed to have knowledge of all publicly available laws and policies that affect their APERS benefits and rights. APERS is under no duty to ensure that plan participants are specifically informed of a new law or policy unless required within the law or policy itself. If APERS attempts to notify plan participants who may be affected by a change of a law or policy, the failure to notify a specific plan participant does not create any right or cause of action for the plan participant.

APERS does not provide plan participants with specific recommendations regarding retirement options, tax advice, or legal advice. Each plan participant is solely responsible for determining whether benefit calculations, benefit projections, benefit estimates, and retirement plan options are suitable for the plan participant based upon his or her specific retirement objectives and personal and financial situation. APERS encourages plan participants to consult their own lawyer, accountant, tax professional, or other retirement adviser before making a decision that affects their benefits and rights regarding APERS.

Federal law and policy, state law and policy, APERS records and documents, and accurate data always govern the final determination of plan participant benefits and rights. An error by APERS does not create any common law rights on behalf of the plan participant. The rights of a plan participant are solely governed by the rights set forth in law and policy applicable to APERS.