Employee Enrollment

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Employee Enrollment

Your employees must become members of the system as a condition of their employment. Our retirement law defines “employees” as all officers and employees of any office, agency, board, commission, or department of a public employer whose compensations are payable either from funds the public employer appropriated or from federal funds.

Certain people are not considered employees for retirement purposes and are excluded from membership. “Employees” does not include the following:

  • Persons who are members of any other state-authorized retirement system,
  • Persons who are employed with the intent of working less than ninety (90) calendar days,
  • Persons who do not qualify as full-time. A person who works eighty (80) hours per month during a period of ninety (90) consecutive calendar days is considered a full-time employee, and
  • Persons whose rate of pay is less than the federal minimum wage.

When you hire employees, you must determine whether to enroll or exclude them for membership, based on these provisions.

Employer Responsibilities

Employee enrollment consists of two primary tasks: enrolling employees and maintaining employee demographic information. You should perform these tasks whenever employees begin employment and whenever their demographic information changes. How you perform these tasks depends on your user type – AASIS or regular.

Below is a list of key functions, and you can see the Resources section for the myAPERS Tasks and Functions publication which provides a complete list of tasks and functions for employee enrollment.

Key Functions

Employee Enrollment
– Verify prior membership
– Enroll new members
– View the employee roster and member information

User Types

  • Regular Users: Regular users have two options for enrolling employees and maintaining demographic information. You can manually enter data for individual employees or upload a spreadsheet containing data for multiple employees. You receive a confirmation of your transactions, and the results are immediately available for viewing.
  • AASIS Users: AASIS users indirectly enroll and maintain demographic information when they perform related functions in AASIS. Each day we receive a demographic file which provides personal, demographic, employment, and benefit plan data. When you enter this information in AASIS for new employees or employees with demographic changes, we receive that information in the file the following day. You can review the information we receive at any time in myAPERS.
