Act 177 of 1957 established a retirement system for employees of the state of Arkansas and created the APERS Board and its duties, organization, powers, and function.
Trustees serve without compensation and are responsible as fiduciaries to protect the long-term value of the system’s investment portfolio and provide benefit security for members. They are entrusted to invest funds at the highest possible long-term rate of return consistent with appropriate levels of diversity and risk. This must be accomplished at the lowest possible cost to participating employers.
The board receives counsel from staff, advisory committees, and investment consultants to help formulate its investment policy.
Meet the Board of Trustees:
Secretary Daryl Bassett, Chair
Department of Labor and Licensing
State Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
Secretary Jim Hudson, Vice Chair
Department of Finance and Administration, Ex-Officio Member
The Honorable John Thurston
Treasurer of State, Ex-Officio Member
Judge Barry Moehring
County Judge
County Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
Mayor Joe Hurst
Mayor of Van Buren
Municipal Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
Mr. Dale Douthit
Chairman of Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission
State Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
Mr. Gary Carnahan
Municipal Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
The Honorable Dennis Milligan
Auditor of State, Ex-Officio Member
Ms. Candace Franks
Retired State Employee Member, Appointed by the Governor
Ms. Kaye Donham
Retired State Employee Member, Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Mr. Richard Wilson
Retired State Employee Member, Appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Mr. Russell White
Retired Law Enforcement Member, Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Mr. Gary Wallace
Retired Law Enforcement Member, Appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Board Rules
While APERS strives to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website regarding your retirement benefits, the passage of a new law will take precedence over any APERS rule.