Your tax situation can change for various reasons, such as prior year tax underpayments, additional income sources, or a change in marital status. When that time comes, you can make tax withholding changes for your APERS annuity. We will provide you with the necessary federal W-4P or state AR4P forms that will enable you to make the tax election right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I update my tax withholding information?
- In your myAPERS Portal, click Change Deductions/EFT, then click Add/View Deductions to make a change to your tax withholding information.
- You may also submit a written federal W-4P or state AR4P to APERS at 124 W Capitol Ave, Suite 400, Little Rock, AR 72201. Please include your name and APERS ID on all correspondence. To obtain a copy of the tax form(s), call 501-682-7800.
When do I need to submit new tax withholding information?
You should notify us as soon as possible whenever you need to update your tax withholding information. To allow for payroll processing time, submit your new tax withholding information by the 15th of the month prior to your next payment.
Can I not have taxes withheld?
If you prefer not to have any tax withheld from your annuity, you may indicate this on federal form W-4P by writing “No Withholding” in the space below Step 4(c). For the state AR4P, there is a box you can check to not have any income tax withheld from your annuity. Caution: You will receive a 1099R in January each year and will be responsible for the unpaid taxes.
Can I withhold a specific dollar amount or percentage?
Unfortunately, you are not able to withhold a specific dollar amount or percentage. If you wish to withhold an additional dollar amount beyond the standard tax withholding based on your elections, you may enter the additional amount on Step 4 (c) of federal form W-4P or on Step 4 of the state AR4P.